Using Window Functions To Get Top N per Group


Given the schema presented below write a query, which uses a window function, that returns two most viewed posts for every category.

Order the result set by:

  1. category name alphabetically

  2. number of post views largest to lowest

  3. post id lowest to largest


  • Some categories may have less than two or no posts at all.

  • Two or more posts within the category can be tied by (have the same) the number of views. Use post id as a tie breaker - a post with a lower id gets a higher rank.



 Column     | Type                        | Modifiers
id          | integer                     | not null
category    | character varying(255)      | not null


 Column     | Type                        | Modifiers
id          | integer                     | not null
category_id | integer                     | not null
title       | character varying(255)      | not null
views       | integer                     | not null

Desired Output

The desired output should look like this:

category_id | category | title                             | views | post_id
5           | art      | Most viewed post about Art        | 9234  | 234
5           | art      | Second most viewed post about Art | 9234  | 712
2           | business | NULL                              | NULL  | NULL
7           | sport    | Most viewed post about Sport      | 10    | 126
  • category_id - category id

  • category - category name

  • title - post title

  • views - the number of post views

  • post_id - post id


🗃️ Sql

with res as
  select *,
         row_number() over (partition by category_id order by views desc, id asc) as rn
  from posts p
select as category_id, category, title, views, as post_id
from categories c
left outer join res r on and rn < 3
order by category, rn, views;

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