Simple Fun #159: Middle Permutation


You are given a string s. Every letter in s appears once.

Consider all strings formed by rearranging the letters in s. After ordering these strings in dictionary order, return the middle term. (If the sequence has a even length n, define its middle term to be the (n/2)th term.)


For s = "abc", the result should be "bac".

The permutations in order are:
"abc", "acb", "bac", "bca", "cab", "cba"
So, The middle term is "bac".


  • [input] string s

    unique letters (2 <= length <= 26)

  • [output] a string

    middle permutation.


🐍 Python

# for 1234567 (odd length)
# it would be 4376521 -- 4(mid) 3(mid-1) 7(from max to min in whats left))6521

# for 1234 (even length)
# it would be 2431 -- 2(mid) 4(from max to min in whats left)31

def middle_permutation(string):
    input_len = len(string)
    res = string[(input_len//2)]+string[(input_len//2)-1] if input_len%2 else string[(input_len//2)-1]

    for x in res:
        string = string.replace(x,'')

    res+= ''.join(sorted(string, reverse=True))

    return res

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